
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Episode 39: Burnout (w/ Maeve Acheson)
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
We're working more than ever, taking on new commitments and constantly having to socialise to avoid feeling friend-guilt... it's no wonder that we are BURNT OUT. Jane's work pal Maeve joins us on this episode to talk about our experience with 'burnout' and how we can avoid it.

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Episode 38: Listeners' Problems #2
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Once again, we lash on our agony aunt hats and take a stab at helping our listeners with some of their problems. While we are in no way qualified to give ACTUAL life advice - what we do give, is our objective perspective. Sometimes that's helpful, right?

Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Shitetalk #1: GOT, period pants, muscle cramps and meditation
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Edit: recorded in April 2019 - we released this to everyone on July 28th 2019. If you like what you hear, become a patron at www.patreon.com/thestateofus
In episodeo of Shitetalk, we talk utter shite about Ro's new period Knicks, Jane's hatred (yes, hatred) of Game of Thrones, and trying (and failing) to get into meditating.

Saturday Jul 20, 2019
Episode 37: What is Sustainable Fashion? (w/ Taz Kelleher)
Saturday Jul 20, 2019
Saturday Jul 20, 2019
Taz Kelleher, total legend and co-founder of Sustainable Fashion Dublin, schools us on what the fuck our retail addiction is doing to the planet and how we can make small changes that will make a huge impact.
This is an absolute must listen.
For more information, check out @sustainablefashiondublin on Instagram.

Monday Jul 08, 2019
Episode 36: Stuck in a Fantasy
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Whether it be fantasising about someone you went on a date with and dreaming about your wedding day, or about the career you envision yourself in, or even about how you wish you looked... fantasising can be dangerous and keep you from living in the now. Of course, it can also be class to have a little daydream too. We talk about fantasising in all its forms and how it affects us.

Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Episode 35: Staying Present
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Off the back of our latest live show (that we don't have a recording of due to tech difficulties, SOZ), we talk about staying present and reflecting on big moments, small moments or just checking in with how we're feeling. We talk about how we constantly looking to the future, and having our heads in our phones is affecting us... and how we try to be mindful of that.
Want more episodes? Become a patron and get access to our exclusive patron only series, 'Shitetalk' at www.patreon.com/thestateofus

Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Episode 34: The Relationship Coach (w/ Annie Lavin)
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
We were chuffed to welcome Annie Lavin aka The Relationship Coach to the podcast. When it comes to navigating relationships and dating, Annie seriously knows her shit. She's a relationship skills educator, dating expert and pyschology lecturer. We gathered up some of the most common relationship and dating questions asked by our listeners and discussed them in this episode.
For more information or to work with Annie, visit www.therelationshipcoach.ie or follow her on Instagram at @therelationshipcoach.ie

Friday May 24, 2019
Episode 33: Passion Projects
Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
Finding what you love to do is hard enough.. let alone finding the time and courage to actually do it. We talk about our current passion project, the podcast, and past side gigs that failed miserably.

Monday May 13, 2019
Episode 32: Time Leeches
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
Okay so the episode name seems harsh, but you know exactly who we're talking about.
We talk about dealing with those people in your life that can drain you emotionally or waste your time, and how you can distance yourself without hurting any feelings...
Check out our new patron-only series - Shitetalk. Become a patron at www.patreon.com/thestateofus to get full-length patron only episodes straight to your podcast app.
ALSO, come along to our next live podcast episode at Gertrude, Dublin on June 19th. Tickets on sale now: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/the-state-of-us-pubcast-4-tickets-61697491859

Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Episode 31: To Tie the Knot or Not?
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
This is an episode we've had loads of requests to do!
As women approaching 30, we chat about proposals and marriage... and touch on everything from cringy Insta #engage posts that keep popping up on our newsfeeds to the pressure to get hitched and our own personal views on tying the knot.
Become a patron: www.patreon.com/thestateofus