
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Episode 12: Friendships Are Hard
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Keeping your school or childhood friends until adulthood is hard, and making new mates when you're a grown-up is even harder! We deep dive into friendship dynamics and our experiences with losing friends (whether by growing apart, moving abroad or full-blown betrayal) and talk about how we can approach trying to make new ones as we near 30 - it's a minefield, lads!
This and loads more rants on the latest episode.
Unlike many other Irish podcasts, we have no brand sponsorship or affiliations with media outlets. We rely on word of mouth to get the podcast out there and pay all overheads out of our own pockets.
We want to continue to grow and become better and better, and we need help subsidising the cost of this - but don’t worry - we’ll never, EVER, charge for content.
Become a Patron for just 1EURO a month, or whatever you can afford HERE.
In exchange, you’ll get access to episodes before anyone else, and get a shoutout on the podcast.
Subscribe now on iTunes & or your preferred Android Podcast app (Stitcher, Podbean, Castbox, ACast). Don't forget to leave a review!
New episodes released every two weeks.
Follow us on Instagram @thestateofuspodcast or Twitter @thestateofuspod
OR... follow Jane @jaincasey or Ro @roisinthora

Monday Jul 09, 2018
Episode 11: Imposter Syndrome
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Do you always make excuses for your success or feel like a fraud?
"Ah sure, I just got lucky...", "they're gonna realise I'm shite at my job any day now, and I'll probably be fired" or "My BF/GF probably just settled for me."
You, my friend, might have Imposter Syndrome. Don't worry though, so do we! We chat about our experiences with Imposter Syndrome, how it affects us and how we try to get over it or make it work for us.
Show notes/Links:
Subscribe now on iTunes & or your preferred Android Podcast app (Stitcher, Podbean, Castbox, ACast). Don't forget to leave a review!
New episodes released every two weeks.
Follow us on Instagram @thestateofuspodcast or Twitter @thestateofuspod
OR... follow Jane @jaincasey or Ro @roisinthora

Monday Jun 18, 2018
Episode 10: Pride
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Happy Pride! To celebrate the most colourful month of the year, we invited our mate Cormac Cashman (the gay club promoting extraordinaire behind Mother, Prhomo, Sweatbox etc.) to shoot the breeze about gay life in Ireland after the marriage referendum, coming out, gay dating app mishaps, pride plans, gay saunas and everything in between.
Subscribe now on iTunes & or your preferred Android Podcast app (Stitcher, Podbean, Castbox, ACast). Don't forget to leave a review!
New episodes released every two weeks.
Follow us on Instagram @thestateofuspodcast or Twitter @thestateofuspod
OR... follow Jane @jaincasey or Ro @roisinthora

Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Episode 9: Therapy
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Whether you're feeling down, anxious, overwhelmed or just a bit off, therapy can help you deep dive into yourself and figure out what's going on. BUT, getting started can be a daunting experience.
As we've mentioned in previous podcasts, we both go to/have been to multiple therapists in the past, and we're strong advocates for taking care of your mental health. In fact, we regularly get messages from listeners asking for tips and recommendations of good therapists.
With this in mind, we chat about our personal experiences with different types of therapy, how it helped us, and how it might help you...
Subscribe now on iTunes & or your preferred Android Podcast app (Stitcher, Podbean, Castbox, ACast). Don't forget to leave a review!
New episodes released fortnightly.
Follow us on Instagram @thestateofuspodcast or Twitter @thestateofuspod
OR... follow Jane @jaincasey or Ro @roisinthora

Tuesday May 22, 2018
Episode 8: Insecurities
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Most of us have our insecurities and want to change something about our appearance... but why?! We have a chat about where our obsession with "perfection" comes from* and our own struggles with how we look... and Kim Kardashian's stupid appetite suppressing lollipop.
Also, for the week that's in it, we touch on the referendum to finally repeal the 8th amendment coming up on May 25th. Don't forget to vote!
*Trigger warning - we touch on the likes of eating disorders and depression in this episode.
Subscribe now on iTunes & or your preferred Android Podcast app (Stitcher, Podbean, Castbox, ACast). Don't forget to leave a review!
New episodes released fortnightly.
Follow us on Instagram @thestateofuspodcast or Twitter @thestateofuspod
OR... follow Jane @jaincasey or Ro @roisinthora

Monday May 07, 2018
Episode 7: One Night Stands
Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
One night stands - gross, but gas, tales from strangers' bedrooms. We're joined on the podcast by our mate, Clodagh (@clomygod on Insta), to talk about regrettable rides brought on by the need for a self-esteem boost. Why do we do it?!
(FYI: Let it be known - 1. We are NOT saying that all one-night stands are gross and regrettable and 2. Not everyone who has one night stands is doing it because they need a self-esteem boost.)
Subscribe now on iTunes & or your preferred Android Podcast app (Stitcher, Podbean, Castbox, ACast). Don't forget to leave a review!
New episodes released fortnightly.
Follow us on Instagram @thestateofuspodcast or Twitter @thestateofuspod
OR... follow Jane @jaincasey or Ro @roisinthora

Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Episode 6: Listeners' Problems - Q&A
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Over the past few months, we've been getting messages from listeners sharing problems they're facing and asking for advice - whether its to do with sex, love, work, family... or something else entirely. What’s amazing, is that we can relate to almost every message we get in the inbox. It’s deadly. Thank you for joining the conversation and being so open to sharing.
We picked out some of these problems, put on our 'agony aunt' hats, poured a glass of wine and gave our two cents.
Disclaimer: This episode is meant to be just a lighthearted snapshot of problems a lot of people face in their 20s and 30s, and all advice is purely personal opinion. We're definitely not life coaches or therapists.
Subscribe now on iTunes & or your preferred Android Podcast app (Stitcher, Podbean, Castbox, ACast). Don't forget to leave a review!
New episodes released fortnightly.
Follow us on Instagram @thestateofuspodcast or Twitter @thestateofuspod
OR... follow Jane @jaincasey or Ro @roisinthora

Monday Apr 09, 2018
Episode 5: Everyone is Moving Away!
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Sure, living it up overseas looks mad glam through Instagram stories, but what's it really like? We have no idea, because we're part of the minority of Irish people our age who still live in the homeland.
We talk about why we never left, what it feels like to watch all our mates leave Ireland and how you adapt once they're gone. On the flipside, we talk to our pal Ellie Macnamara, who currently lives in New York, to ask if she's really having as much fun as we think everyone is.
Subscribe now on iTunes & or your preferred Android Podcast app (Stitcher, Podbean, Castbox, ACast). Don't forget to leave a review!
New episodes released fortnightly.
Follow us on Instagram @thestateofuspodcast or Twitter @thestateofuspod
OR... follow Jane @jaincasey or Ro @roisinthora

Monday Mar 26, 2018
Episode 4: It's Not You, It's Me
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Monday Mar 26, 2018
In episode 4, we torture ourselves (for your listening pleasure) by delving into our biggest, most devastating heartbreaks.
We talk about why breaking up hurts so much, how we got through it and why break-ups are a necessary part of life. We also share some of the gas, mad and sad stories of breakups sent in by our listeners.
Subscribe now on iTunes & or your preferred Android Podcast app (Stitcher, Podbean, Castbox, ACast). Don't forget to leave a review!
New episodes released fortnightly.
Follow us on Instagram @thestateofuspodcast or Twitter @thestateofuspod
OR... follow Jane @jaincasey or Ro @roisinthora

Monday Mar 12, 2018
Episode 3: Hormonal Birth Control - The Ultimate Frenemy?
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Happy Belated International Women's Day, gals (and lads).
This week, we chat about hormonal contraception - the good parts, the bad parts and the nasty parts. Do we know enough about what we put in our bodies, and why is birth control mostly a women's responsibility?
Before recording, we asked our listeners to share their experiences too, which we discuss on the show.
Disclaimer: We're not doctors. Everything on this episode is solely based on personal experiences. You're better off chatting with your GP if you're having any issues with birth control.
From time to time, we mention websites, articles and Facebook pages in our episodes.
Here are some links if you want to learn more:
Mirena IUD - The Good the Bad Facebook group
In Her Shoes - Women of the Eighth
Subscribe now on iTunes & or your preferred Android Podcast app (Stitcher, Podbean, Castbox). Don't forget to leave a review!
New episodes released fortnightly.
Follow 'The State of Us' on Instagram @thestateofuspodcast
OR... follow Jane @jaincasey or Ro @roisinthora